The Foundation is an official partner of the World Circular Economy Forum 2021 (WCEF2021), taking place virtually in Canada on 13-15th September 2021. Hosted for the first time in North America, WCEF2021 will focus on the system level changes, or “game changers,” needed to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.
WCEF2021 will offer three days packed with information, ideas and examples of the circular economycircular economyA systems solution framework that tackles global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution. It is based on three principles, driven by design: eliminate waste and pollution, circulate products and materials (at their highest value), and regenerate nature.. Take a look at the Foundation’s involvement below, and see the full programme on WCEF2021’s website.
Communicating Circularity: Getting the Message Right
Tuesday 14 September at 4pm GMT+1 (11am EDT)
This session will equip the audience with the tools to champion circularity in their communities, workplaces and in society.
A Circular North America
Wednesday 15th September, 8pm GMT+1 (3pm EDT)
Join this session to explore the unique moment for the circular economy in North America.
Biodiversity as a Circular Business Opportunity
Wednesday 15th September, 3:30pm GMT+1 (10:30am EDT)
This session will engage businesses to discuss the circular economy business models that halt biodiversity loss and improve biodiversity; the need to bring the economy and biodiversity together; and the need for modelling and measuring impact to achieve these goals.
Circularity in Cities and Regions: Addressing Global Challenges through Innovative Place-Based Solutions
Wednesday 15 September at 4:30pm GMT+1 (11:30am EDT)
Featuring leading examples from around the world, this interactive session will explore the role of cities and regions in enabling the circular economy.
Towards a Mutually Supportive Trade and Circular Economy Agenda
Wednesday 15 September at 1pm GMT+1 (8am EDT)
What solutions are needed to ensure trade and the circular economy become mutually supportive? Barriers faced by companies transitioning to a circular economy will be examined followed by the role of international actors in identifying and implementing solutions to these barriers.
Latin America and the Caribbean’s vision of circular economy 2030
Thursday 16th September, 3pm GMT+ 1 (10am EDT)
The session will showcase what makes circular economy distinctive in the LAC region, what is already being advanced in the region and discuss challenges and enabling conditions for the vision.
EPR+: Mandatory and voluntary mechanisms for financing the circular economy for plastics and packaging
Tuesday 21st September, 10am GMT+1 (5am EDT)
Extended Producer Responsibility is widely recognised as a key circular economy approach to address packaging waste and pollution. This side event will discuss its advantages, challenges and possible complementary measures such as plastic credits.
Follow the hashtag #WCEF2021 on Twitter to get the latest updates.