Circulytics is a framework of indicators for tracking circular economy performance. It allows companies to highlight successes in their transition, and identify where to focus efforts for improvement in line with the three principles of a circular economy, all driven by design: eliminate waste and pollution, circulate products and materials, and regenerate nature.

As of 31 August 2023, Circulytics platform is closed to submissions. Find out more here.
The resources below are available for organisations interested in using the indicators to support circular economycircular economyA systems solution framework that tackles global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution. It is based on three principles, driven by design: eliminate waste and pollution, circulate products and materials (at their highest value), and regenerate nature. data collection and streamlining or harmonising measurement efforts, subject to the Website Terms and Conditions.
The assessment methodology is included for reference only. It details the Circulytics scoring and weighting approach previously used by the Foundation.
The Terms of Agreement and Privacy Policy from the 2022/2023 submission cycle remain available as a guide for companies that have previously completed a Circulytics assessment.
Read more about measurement and reporting for the circular economy here.
The Circulytics framework consists of the following resources:
A set of indicators that collectively reflect multiple aspects of circular economy performance for a company’s operations.
Case examples
Mapping against ESRS E5
Assessment methodology (note that the Foundation no longer offers performance assessment)
Circulytics indicator categories
The indicators are structured into two categories – Enablers and Outcomes:
Category 1: Enablers
The critical aspects to enable company-wide transformation.
All themes in the Enablers category are relevant to all companies.
Theme 1. Strategy and planning
Have you placed the circular economy at the heart of your strategy?
Theme 2. Innovation
Are the conditions in place to support the development of innovative circular products and services? Are you innovating towards new circular economy products, systems, or services?
Theme 3. People and skills
Are you supporting your employees? Have you employed people to develop the skills required to transition to a circular business model?
Theme 4. Operations
Have you invested sufficiently in your digital systems and plant, property, and equipment assets to support the change?
Theme 5. External engagement
Are you promoting your circular economy initiatives and influencing those in your business sphere, such as clients or your supply chain?
Category 2: Outcomes
Metrics that capture how circular a company is today.
A subset of the themes in the Outcomes category is relevant to any given company, as outlined in the Indicator list.
Theme 6. Products and materials
Are the materials you procure and the products you design supporting a circular economy?
Theme 7. Services
Are the services you provide supporting a circular economy?
Theme 8. Plant, property, and equipment assets
Are you procuring and decommissioning your plant, property, and equipment assets in ways that support a circular economy?
Theme 9. Water
If you operate in a water-intensive industry, are you using water in a circular way?
Theme 10. Energy
Are you procuring renewable energyrenewable energyEnergy derived from resources that are not depleted on timescales relevant to the economy, i.e. not geological timescales. and (if you are an energy provider) producing renewable energy to support a circular economy?
Theme 11. Finance
If you are a financial institution, are you intentionally financing companies and projects that support a circular economy?