Membership status: Strategic Partner
The Schmidt Family Foundation works to advance the wiser use of energy and natural resources and to support efforts worldwide that empower communities to build resilient systems for food, water, and human resources. Through community-, market- and technology-based approaches, the foundation promotes an intelligent relationship between human activity and the planet’s natural resources.
"In recent decades, there have been tectonic shifts in the ways people learn and make things, connect to each other, and interact with the energy, food and water resources of our planet. Looking through a systems lens, we find new opportunities for a healthier, more balanced and dynamic relationship with our natural world."
For us, growing beyond an old economy based on extraction and waste towards a regenerative economy means advancing frameworks that value healthy ecosystems, active civic engagement, and social equity. TSFF supports efforts, using best expert information, to help transform the world’s environmental and energy practices in the 21st century.
Our mission, at its broadest, is to advance the creation of an increasingly intelligent relationship between human activity and the use of the world’s natural resources. To realize this vision, we focus our grantmaking in the areas of the environment and sustainable development."