Polski Pakt Plastokowy (The Polish Plastics Pact), launched in September 2020, is led by Kampania 17 Celów.
The Polish Plastics Pact is in line with the other national Plastics Pacts and the regional European Plastics Pact in the Foundation’s Network. Members will jointly work towards the following 2025 targets:
Eliminate unnecessary and problematic plastic packaging through redesign, innovation, and alternative delivery models
A 30% reduction (by weight) in virgin plastic consumption across plastic packaging put on the market (in absolute reduction, ie. based on the tonnages put on the market in 2018*)
Ensure that 100% of plastic packaging is reusable or recyclable
Ensure an average of 25% recycled content across all plastic packaging
Effective support of plastics packaging collection and recycling system so that a minimum of 55% plastic packaging is recycled on the Polish market
Conduct effective citizen engagement in the field of reduction, reusereuseThe repeated use of a product or component for its intended purpose without significant modification., sorting and recycling of packaging.