This video is part of the Redesigning Food: Behind the scenes video series, where we experience the barriers, setbacks, and breakthrough moments as participants of the Big Food Redesign Challenge race to create products that put nature first.
Experience the barriers, setbacks, and breakthrough moments as participants of the Big Food Redesign Challenge race to create products that put nature first. Watch as participants navigate the complexities of designing food for nature to thrive, push the boundaries of food design and turn obstacles into opportunities for growth and innovation.
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In episode one, ‘The beginning: using unwanted or forgotten ingredients’, Dunia Bora, Nutricandies and Spoon Cereals begin their journey to design products from previously unwanted or forgotten ingredients. Follow the inspiring stories of three pioneers redesigning food for nature to thrive:
Vincent, Founder /E.D, Dunia Bora, harnesses the power of invasive species to create cookies and refreshing juices
Gustavo, CEO, Nutricandies, transforms often discarded parts of the cocoa bean into a rich and nutritious chocolate spread
Annie and Jonny, Co-founders of Spoon Cereals, creatively repurpose oat-milk leftovers and ancient grains to create hearty and nutritious porridge
The Big Food Redesign Challenge, in partnership with the Sustainable Food Trust and funded by People’s Postcode Lottery, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and Schmidt Family Foundation, brings together ambitious producers, retailers, start-ups, and suppliers to design new food products – or redesign existing ones – to regenerate nature. Currently in the Production Phase, participants are working hard to turn their product designs into a reality. Follow the journey and find out more.

The Big Food Redesign Challenge
A food system that allows nature to thrive is not just possible — it’s already happening. Explore the Big Food Redesign Challenge, created in partnership with the Sustainable Food Trust.