Las instituciones, los gobiernos y las ciudades juegan un papel crucial en la creación y habilitación de las condiciones para que surja y prospere una economía circular. Marcan la dirección y son impulsores de la innovación y la inversión.
La economía circular proporciona un marco que permite a los gobiernos y ciudades realizar muchas de sus ambiciones económicas, ambientales y sociales.
Utiliza nuestros recursos para descubrir cómo las políticas adecuadas pueden acelerar la transición hacia una economía circular y obtener orientación sobre cómo poner en práctica las políticas circulares.
The Universal Circular Economy Policy Goals

The circular economycircular economyA systems solution framework that tackles global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution. It is based on three principles, driven by design: eliminate waste and pollution, circulate products and materials (at their highest value), and regenerate nature. offers opportunities for better growth, through an economic model that is resilient, distributed, diverse, and inclusive. It tackles the root causes of global challenges, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, by eliminating waste and pollution, circulating products and materials, and regenerating nature.
As governments and industries around the globe move towards a circular economy, it’s important to align ambitions and establish a common direction of travel.
The Ellen MacArthur Foundation has set out five universal circular economy policy goals that provide a framework for national governments, cities, and businesses to accelerate the transition. The goals provide a blueprint – to make them effective, we need to work together across the private and public sectors.